Catholics for Kerry

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Rove Strategy Memo Leaked??

Top Secret


To: Ken Mehlman, Campaign Manager
Bush-Cheney 04

From: Karl Rove, Chief Political Strategist
Bush-Cheney 04

Date: September 21ST, 2004

Subject: Deception, Fear and Diversion Strategy

Per our discussion last Monday, I had our folks run a few focus groups and it seems Kerry voting against the $87 million is a winner, especially when we say “he voted against body armor.” Please feed this talking point through the echo chamber. It is interesting that in the focus group only one person asked why we sent the troops to war without body armor in the first place—we’ve taken care of her. I hope she has good healthcare because she’s going to be needing it.

From what I understand, the military’s honest assessment is that we will need a draft to execute our next term strategy of eradicating Iran and Syria. POTUS has agreed. However, this issue is a loser. Our focus groups reacted negatively, both Republicans and Democrats. Under no circumstance should we admit to a draft. I suggest an outright lie. If you see that it is not politically expedient to lie then let’s try the same line we used in the run up to the war, it even sounded good on Powell, we say, “There is no plan on the president’s desk or before the president concerning the draft.” Of course, the plan is on the floor next to his desk and not before him, so we are in the clear here.

The “vote for Kerry or die” strategy seems to be working wonders. We are expanding that to different constituencies. We now have Catholic Bishops onboard. Their message is “vote for Bush or go to Hell.” Do you think “a vote for Kerry is a vote for the Devil” sounds better? Our focus groups were divided on that—your call.

Keep me posted. I’ve got to go give a speech a certain law school to start a whisper smear campaign. This one’s going to be juicy. Take care and don’t forget bible study tonight.


This satirical piece has been brought to you by voters for truth.


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