Catholics for Kerry

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

And the Lord spake thus to his prophet, George W. Bush, "Take thou the armies of compassion and conquer the foreign land filled with people who do not worship my name. I will give unto thee a great victory and thou shalt not lose even a single one of the souls in thy charge. Thou shalt have a great victory and the heathen shall marvel and say, "Truly, the Lord God is the God of Geroge Bush, and he is his prophet. In that day shall my name be glorified in all the earth. The heathen shall whisper the name of the Lord and his prophet in fear and truly all the earth shall know, I am the Lord God Almighty." Pat Robertson to George Bush, "Prepare the nation for casualties."
George Bush to Pat Robertson, "There will be no casualties."

NEW YORK (CNN) -- The founder of the U.S. Christian Coalition said Tuesday he told President George W. Bush before the invasion of Iraq that he should prepare Americans for the likelihood of casualties, but the president told him, "We're not going to have any casualties."

Pat Robertson, an ardent Bush supporter, said he had that conversation with the president in Nashville, Tennessee, before the March 2003 invasion U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. He described Bush in the meeting as "the most self-assured man I've ever met in my life."

"You remember Mark Twain said, 'He looks like a contented Christian with four aces.' I mean he was just sitting there like, 'I'm on top of the world,' " Robertson said on the CNN show, "Paula Zahn Now."

Romans 2:23-24

23 You who boast of the law, do you dishonor God by breaking the law?
24 For, as it is written, "Because of you the name of God is reviled among the Gentiles."


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