Kerry Catholics Scripture of the Day: Countdown to E-Day
John 12: 42-43
42 Nevertheless, many, even among the authorities, believed in him, but because of the Pharisees they did not acknowledge it openly in order not to be expelled from the synagogue.
43 For they preferred human praise to the glory of God.
In this election cycle many conservative Catholics find George Bush reprehensible. Many have decided to vote for him while holding their noses, as it were. Others have decided that they can't vote for him, even if they won't vote for Kerry.
This scripture refers to Jesus's ministry and how many believed in him but were afraid to say so for fear of retribution. In fact, in an earlier chapter, a blind man who had been healed was excommunicated for believing in Christ. I liken this situation to the present. Arch-right, including the amplified voice of the Bishops, is pressuring and brow-beating conservative Catholics into voting for Bush because he is the"pro-life" candidate. On the other hand, many of these conservatives are not at all sold on Bush but do not want to risk speaking up for fear of a fierce backlash.
This scripture can serve as a point of support. Vote your conscience and if it is not Bush, then you don't have to vote for him. This is not to say that Kerry is the "correct" candidate, but that we need to return to the primacy of conscience even if means paying a price for it. For those conservatives, you may lose friends, "lose" respect in the eyes of the arch-right or even people who you respect, you may be called names, etc, but all that matters is what God calls you now and what He will say to you on that day.
When we all stand before God on that fateful day, no one is going to stand with you. You and you alone will be responsible for all your decisions. The Pope will not be there with you, no Bishop, no canon lawyer, no catechist, no priest, no parents, children, friends, no one; all you'll have is you and your conscience and the extent to which you honored that unique voice of God echoing in your depths. If we obey our consciences now, then we nothing to fear on that day, rather we can look for praise from God, on the other hand, if we act out of fear of other human beings and ignore our consciences, then would have much to be ashamed of.
For Catholics, this election is primarily about the future of our country and world and the visions of the respective candidates, but secondarily, it is about our consciences. Will we further refine and develope them by listening to them, or will we mute the voice of God because of pressure from self-serving intra-church conclaves?
As for you and your conscience, you will . . .?
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