Catholics for Kerry

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Via MyDD

Kerry leads among Catholic voters 49%-44% (Zogby)

Zogby commentary:

Six days before the general election, the candidates are battling for support from several key constituencies. Zogby International considers the following demographics worth particular attention: Catholics, investors, non-investors, women and men, and 18-29 year olds.

The President leads among: investors (Bush 55%-Kerry 41%); and men (Bush 47%-Kerry 46%); women (Bush 48%-Kerry 47%).

Senator Kerry leads among: Catholics (Kerry 49%-Bush 46%); non-investors (Kerry 49%-Bush 44%); 18-29 year olds (Kerry 50%-Bush 47%).

I normally don't waste my time with these polls of Catholic voters, but I post this to give encouragement to Kerry Catholics: that even after all the negativity and the concerted effort by many bishops to derail Senator Kerry, Senator Kerry is doing well with Catholics.

Senator Kerry will be the one president that will most resonate with Catholic values. Can I get an amen? (Ooops, excuse me . . . wrong denomination.)


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