The first presidential debate is tonight. There is and has been a lot of discussion on what John Kerry needs to do to "win." Of course, many blog commentators have correctly pointed out that the post-debate spin and media replays are primarily where the perception of winning or losing the debates come from.
John Kerry simply has to do two things. First, he has to come off as sincere, so that people can get a sense of him and secondly, he needs to come off as competent. The debate is really about an impression and less about the substance.
I think John Kerry would be, not just a good or great president if elected, I think he'll be exceptional. It's been hard trying to cut through all the Republican noise, lies and hypocrisy, but Kerry is up to the task. I think people get a good feeling from him when he talks and presents his case. He talks common sense and not empty talking points. He is a leader and has lead men in the ultimate situation, life and death combat.
Kerry will do a good job and I think America will recognize it.
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