Come November 3, the U.S. Catholic Church is going to be needing some serious soul searching. If Bush wins, I fail to see how the same Bishops who have said Kerry and Democrats have made a deal with the deal or that a vote for Kerry is a sin, can hope to ever reintegrate the part of the flock that steadfastly supported Kerry. On the other hand, with a Kerry win, . . . I can't imagine what that would mean. I don't think the Catholic Right would quiet down (liberals tend to leave the Church quietly, which is what may happen in a Bush win)I think the Right would be more vociferous.
I don't suppose anyone knows what all this means for the US Catholic Church, but the trend is negative. The Bishops have succeeded in alienating liberals and many are leaving the Church because of what's presently happening. On the other hand, many are remaining firm in either supportive parishes or dioceses. We may be headed for spiritual civil war.
A Bush win would be a clear victory for the anti-abortion crowd and we would definitely hear about on this website.
Given the ferocity of the present division, I just don't see how reconciliation is possible. If the Bishops were wise, they would start now in preparing either group for the possibility of loss (no one believes they will lose) because it would be much harder to pick up pieces if everything is left unchecked.
All things work together for good, so in a sense we have to believe that God can bring good out of this, but this may be our faith generation's Red Sea moment. Given the level of vitriol, where does the Church go from here?
That said, I'd rather consider that question on the couch on Nov 3 watching President Kerry receive his congratulations, knowing that we've said yes to healthcare, peace, life, education, civil rights, human dignity, truth, and progress.
Anonymous, at October 12, 2004 at 3:41 PM
Anonymous, at October 12, 2004 at 3:44 PM
Anonymous, at October 12, 2004 at 3:48 PM
Dear Catholics for Kerry-
I believe the US Catholic Church seems to have just found her soul. The part of the Church that embraces Kerry has to decide if they want to become 'actual' Catholics.
The Church teachings are clear, so let’s not argue that, there are other matters to debate. If you support the practice of abortion you can still be Catholic but you, and Kerry, will have to accept your complicity with killing innocent children. If liberals who see differently quietly leave the Church as they say please don't blame faithful Catholic Bishops or followers of the teachings of the Church whom you label as Right.
You may think my view short sighted or nieve but my view is unequivocally Catholic; your view and Kerry's are not. You need to ask yourself; Are you a member of this 2000 year old institution begun by Christ and his followers or are you a heretical apostate protestant? It is a good question.
I imagine you must know the bible and love Christ or why you would waste your time debating church issues. Given that let's ask ourselves why is the Church at this cross-road? I think we start with Satan, the devil. Believers accept that he is real, they accept that the bible says he is an angel- fallen though he may be. Angels have perfect knowledge, this is accepted theological truth. This intellectual standard places them above us mere humans although we still carry the distinction of being made in the image and likeness of God. The devil therefore being superior intellectually to man must also be strategic in his actions against righteousness and faithfulness. This is also a logical given. So accepting this, we also accept that all men are weak, and all men are sinners. Is it not also logical to arrive at the assumtion that priests and other fathers of our church would be singled out for attack by the devil and his minions. I say yes, it is logical and stategic. A faithful priest who can actually save souls from Satan with his ordinary sacramental powers becomes a greater enemy of Satan than you or I. So when the Church began to suffer being exposed of the crisis of homosexuality in the seminaries and sexual abuses of children rampant in the various dioceses around our country I was not as surprised as most.
We are right are we not? We worship the true God in his true sacramental Church. We have a big red target painted on our back. My friend the spiritual civil was started a long time ago.
So now with the pains of the abuse scandal moving behind us and the strong young faithful men emerging from the newly reformed seminaries now heading into pastorates and other positions of leadership in the Church our holy ship seems to be righting herself.
Now we have a presidential election. One candidate is Catholic, one candidate is a Methodist. What do we as Catholics do? In 1960 there was not a great moral issue splitting the nation as abortion does today. Catholics siding with Kennedy was a given. Not so with Kerry.
John Kerry, who supports him? Liberals, anti-war advocates, traditional labor democrats and some Catholics who may be members of one or more of the aforementioned groups. The first question is why and the second question is why these people are fighting for the title of Catholic.
You cannot be a Catholic and be Pro-Abortion. It is like being a Catholic living with your girl-friend. You may want to hang on to the familiar association but you have put yourself outside the fold of believers. I am not talking about the struggles with sin that we all face I am talking about choosing "other" over Church teaching with out significate remorse. The Church is defined by beliefs and those who reject those beliefs are and remain not-Catholic by definition. In active, fallen away, whatever, my theology holds up.
We are a Church based on precepts set down by Christ. No one in their right mind thinks they could win an argument with God that abortion is OK. Anyone who is not a sociopath knows that it ends life and even the most ardent supporters of this false-right feel guilt. This guilt however seems to make them strident and angry rather than remorseful and repentant.
Maybe what the Church, and dare I say Christ, is not looking for a compromise or a resolution. Maybe he wants to sweep you out into the gutter with your money changing tables and your oxen for sale. He loves you but he may not be very happy with you.
Consider for a moment that I am not the 3 toothed hick you think I am and consider that you are a misguided instrument of the devil. Really- you think I am kidding you but I am not. How do you defend abortion to Christ? How do you face him with that chip against you? He doesn't love you less but he didn't come to bring peace on earth either, remember!
I used to work at some high levels in the Democratic Party. I have seen the rationale of grown faithful men and women selling their souls for votes. It is pretty scary stuff.
I know Bush is not perfect or completely in line with Catholic teaching. The Pope was against the war. But as the Vatican Secretary of State said yesterday, "the child is now born". In light of the world situation do we side with Kerry? Do you and others who read or contribute to this site have good enough reasons to support Kerry, as Catholics. Do you have reasons that are good enough to put your name on a site called Catholics for Kerry.
You are not good Catholics. Curse me for saying so if you wish but it is true. "Why do you cry out Lord, Lord, and then not do what I tell you?" It is in the book, black and white my friends.
John Kerry? I ask you, why do you identify your lives and even your souls with this man. Why defend him in the name of God and his Church? What do you seek to gain?
Anonymous, at October 13, 2004 at 3:14 PM
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