Catholics for Kerry

Monday, October 04, 2004

St Louis Catholic responds to Archbishop Burke's letter that calls same sex marriage a "moral priority" over war.


  • Ono,

    Greg Popcak here. Last week, I came across your rebuttal piece to my demographic breakdown on abortion. I tried to find an email for you, but you're apparently in hiding so this is the only way I could communicate with you.

    This isn't the place to argue your misinformed notions on abortion, but I did want to take issue with your designation of me as "arch-conservative."

    I wonder what you base that upon. As a Catholic who opposed the Iraq war, is pro-gun control, anti-Capital punishment, (and generally speaking, feels favorably toward contemporary Catholic music and hugging at Mass ;-)I think it would come as huge surprise to my conservative friends that in your estimation I have out-conservatived them. (You're best bud, Deal, sure as hell would have been shocked. Especially since I called him on the carpet for his ridiculous position on the UN on my radio show).

    Now, it is true that in addition to these positions, I also believe (and Catholic Social Teaching agrees with me--and I defy you to prove otherwise) that abortion is the single most important social justice issue, that "gay marriage" is a disaster for society, and that NFP is actually beneficial to marriage.

    So what does all this make me? (Now, now, watch your language...) I'll let you decide. But it sure as hell isn't an arch-conservative. So, before you go making a straw man out of me again, how about getting to know me?

    I'll be happy to accept your heartfelt apology at

    Have a nice day.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at October 4, 2004 at 5:24 PM  

  • onoekeh$

    Email available on my blog, catholicsforkerry yahoo group,,

    By Blogger Ono, at October 4, 2004 at 9:35 PM  

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