Kerry May Sue O'Neill for Libel
John Kerry may wage war against Viet war veteran :
New York, Nov 19 : After losing to George Bush in the presidential elections , John Kerry is now preparing for another fight with John O'Neill, the "Unfit for Command" author who claims some of the credit for Kerry's defeat.
In the book, O'Neill, who, like Kerry, commanded swift boats in Vietnam , severly criticised Kerry's war record and branded him a traitor.
O'Neill reportedly sold over 800,000 copies of the book and his group, Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, raised 25 million dollars to battle the Kerry campaign and ran TV ads trashing the candidate.
According to the New York Post, Kerry is said to be furious with his staffers who advised him not to fight back against O'Neill.
"The Kerry camp is thinking about filing a libel lawsuit against Regnery and O'Neill," a source close to the candidate's inner circle was quoted by the paper, as saying.
"I don't know if they will actually go forward, but consideration is serious. If Kerry plans on running again in 2008 - and I'm hearing he will - it would make sense that he'd file the suit," the source added.(ANI)
It would really be great if Kerry did sue. Seeing Kerry cross-examined on all his different versions of events would be priceless.
But it will never happen:(
Brother Declan, at November 27, 2004 at 7:25 AM
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