Catholics for Kerry

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Bill Donohue of the non-partisan Catholic League gleefully proclaims that the DNC has given up on religious outreach:


Catholic League president
William Donohue commented today on the decision by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to quit its religious outreach program:

“On August 2, the Catholic League exposed Rev. Brenda Bartella Peterson, the DNC’s first-ever Senior Advisor for Religious Outreach, as someone who had signed on to an amicus brief supporting atheist Michael Newdow in his attempt to excise the words ‘under God’ in the Pledge of Allegiance. She quit two days later.

Ever since, we have been tapping into the DNC’s website on a daily basis seeking to learn who the new religious outreach advisor is. Today, for the first time, typing ‘religious outreach’ into the search engine of the home page yields nothing; it says, ‘Sorry, we detected an error….’ No results are listed.

“Before today, Rev. Peterson’s name was the first to show up whenever we typed either ‘outreach’ or ‘outreach programs’ into the search engine. But now ‘outreach’ yields 40 listings and ‘outreach programs’ yields 10, and neither has a listing for religious outreach (but 12 of the 40 and 2 of the 10 are listings for GLBT—Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender).

“What is most disturbing is the hypocrisy over this issue. For example, in the current edition of Commonweal magazine,
Democrat advisor Amy Sullivan starts her article by saying, ‘This may well be remembered as the year of the Democratic Revival, when Democrats stopped allowing religion and God to be co-opted by the Republican Party and started to fight back.’ Last weekend, Michael Meehan, a spokesman for John Kerry,
said, ‘We have one of the largest efforts any Democrat has made to reach out to people of faith.’ Democratic strategist John Podesta said something similar over the weekend. Yet the Kerry campaign has silenced its religious outreach director, Mara Vanderslice (blaming us for exposing her resume), and the DNC has now given up altogether.

“The message the Democrats are sending to people of faith is ‘Take a Walk—we’ve had it with you religious types.’ We’ll be sure to get the message out.”

I suppose this what Catholic League's benefactors (I wonder who they are?. . . hmm) pay Bill Donohue a quarter of a million dollars a year for.

As much as the Catholic League and Catholic conservatives would like to see the an anti-Democratic Party, we are actually witnessing a resurgence of the Religious Left last seen in the Civil Rights movement. There are quite a few Catholic and Christian Democrat sites out there in this election cycle, which I will be linking to very shortly. So while Donohue and others try to spread deliberate misinformation, we, in our determined but politely Christian fashion :), avoiding the blustery that is anti-Gal 5:17 fruit of the spirit, will show the truth, that vast numbers of Christians and Catholics make the Democratic party their political home and proudly so.

When Jesus made his inaugural statement in Lk 4:19-19, he said.

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me
because he has annointed me
to bring glad tidings to the poor
He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives
and recovery of sight to the blind
to let the oppressed go free
and to proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord

The Spirit in Is 58:6-7, 10 also says:

This, rather, is the fasting that I wish
releasing those bound unjustly
untying the thongs of the yoke;
Setting free the oppressed
breaking every yoke
Sharing your bread with the hungry
sheltering the oppressed and the homeless
Clothing the naked when you see them
and not turning back on your own . . .
If you remove from your midst oppression
false accusation and malicious speech
If you bestow your bread on the hungry
and satisfy the afflicted
The light shall rise for you in darkness.

We Democrats couldn't have said it better.
The word of the Lord . . .


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