Greg Popcak responds to this post thus:
Greg Popcak here. Last week, I came across your rebuttal piece to my demographic breakdown on abortion. I tried to find an email for you, but you're apparently in hiding so this is the only way I could communicate with you.
This isn't the place to argue your misinformed notions on abortion, but I did want to take issue with your designation of me as "arch-conservative."
I wonder what you base that upon. As a Catholic who opposed the Iraq war, is pro-gun control, anti-Capital punishment, (and generally speaking, feels favorably toward contemporary Catholic music and hugging at Mass ;-)I think it would come as huge surprise to my conservative friends that in your estimation I have out-conservatived them. (You're best bud, Deal, sure as hell would have been shocked. Especially since I called him on the carpet for his ridiculous position on the UN on my radio show).
Now, it is true that in addition to these positions, I also believe (and Catholic Social Teaching agrees with me--and I defy you to prove otherwise) that abortion is the single most important social justice issue, that "gay marriage" is a disaster for society, and that NFP is actually beneficial to marriage.
So what does all this make me? (Now, now, watch your language...) I'll let you decide. But it sure as hell isn't an arch-conservative. So, before you go making a straw man out of me again, how about getting to know me?
I'll be happy to accept your heartfelt apology at
Have a nice day.
Was I wrong in calling HMS blog an archcon site, or is it really a moderate-lean-conservative site? I proceed to study the evidence.
Now, let's see:
- Has HMS blog been a poster child for RNC talking points? (too many links)
- Is John Kerry smeared with impunity on the HMS blog? (mucho links, quick perusal)
- On the blog entry about the Catholic U. snafu-GP's apparently believes that opposing viewpoints are not to be tolerated even in an acadamic setting: is this moderate-speak or archcon (surpress the heretics)?
- On HMS blog, do we hear or see any objection or even caution or reserve about Abp Burke saying same-sex marriage is a "moral priority" over the war and the innocent lives losts and the devastation thereof? Moderate-speak or archcon?
- "The bottom line is that anyone who knew anything about CST could not possibly argue that a person could be both Catholic and pro-choice unless that person was either an idiot or a lying snake-in-the-(Catholic)-grass.
The question is; which one is Weber?
Sincerely, Gregory K. Popcak, MSW " (Remember that one Greg? Nice wholessome Catholic moderate-speak, or is it? Archcon perhaps?) - Why would the thought of anyone supporting Kerry really "honk" you off, even if a Bishop? Could it be that you are beyond moderate and firmly in archcon ground that opposition is simply intolerable and most be surpressed?
- Cate Edwards there to "shill for her pro-death dad" Pro-death? Need I remind you this man lost a son not too long ago? I don't suppose that matters because after all, "pro-death" is moderate-speak and not archcon.
I am going to stop there, it is taking too much of my time.
I was listening to CSPAN the other day and couple of old time reporters were talking about the Swift Boat controversy (which in my opinion exposed the Catholic right for its dishonesty in its willingness to jump on a smear of a good man), and this reporter said the average of the truth and a lie is still a lie. Just because you have friends to your right, does not make you moderate. The Via Media is never a good guage for common sense, much less truth.
Catholics have a choice to make in this election. RCs can choose a good man, a sincere, earnest, spiritual man, with common sense progressive values, who is competent to lead this country and the world in the direction it should go or we can chose an angry Bush administration that is vengefull, war mongering, that lies and decieves, is hypocritical, and cold.
In conclusion, anyone who claims same sex marriage is a "moral priority" over the devastation caused by war, the tens of thousands of innocent livs lost, the thousands of soldiers maimed, and thousand killed, has no Christian values to boast off. This is NOT a pro-life position. It is simply a soul-less conservative position.
The gig's up everyone! Ono figured it out and told the world we have no souls! What are we going to do now?
Anonymous, at October 5, 2004 at 4:57 AM
Hi Ono,
Wow, I'm souless. Nice.
I stand by everything I wrote. You can whine, for example, the Burke's letter is unjust, but I defy you to back up your point with Catholic facts. This is supposed to be a site about Catholics for Kerry after all. Point to CST or other Catholic teaching to defend your position or admit you've got nothing.
Saying something doesn't make it so, Ono. I would be happy to discuss these issues with you, but only if you are capable of rational debate.
Let's see your facts.
Or is it just easier to call me names?
(And an arch-con is NOT opposed to the Iraq War, Capital Punishment, and in favor of gun control. But an arch-liberal does believe in supply-side trickle down abortion policy--which you propose. Its hysterical, but your supposed liberal solution to abortion is just moral Reaganomics. 8 years under Clinton produced nothing but increased abortion rates. And BTW, I supported Clinton the 1st time for the same reasons you're supporting Kerry now. The difference is I learned from my mistakes.)
Eagerly Yours,
Greg Popcak
Anonymous, at October 5, 2004 at 6:25 AM
Oh, and just by way of clarification, if you were honest, you would note that the piece on the "Brownshirt" was about a man who wanted to stifle the first amendment rights of a group of Catholics.
Anyone opposed to the first amendment is a brownshirt in my book. So, opposing censorship an archcon position? Thanks for the newsflash.
Or are you saying, that as a Kerry supporter, you would only allow free speech for those who agree with you? How is that not a fascistic position? At any rate, it would be a curious position for a compassionate individual such as yourself to take. I'm being totally serious here. Defend yourself. Or admit you've got nothing and apologize.
Anonymous, at October 5, 2004 at 6:53 AM
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