Via MyDD
Targeting Papers That Endorsed Bush in 2000
by Paul Rosenberg
What began in the Kos diaries as Operation "Shame on You" has matured into a standalone website project with a less accusatory title--Operation "Fool Me Once."
It's at
The idea is simple: remind papers of what they said in 2000 when they endorsed Bush, and ask them, in the words of Al Gore at the 2004 convention, "I sincerely ask those watching at home who supported President Bush four years ago: did you really get what you expected from the candidate you voted for?"
Obviously, a lot of papers have already asked themselves this question, but being prodded publicly on their letters page--and privately in the letters they don't print--will certainly help the process along. We've got pages up for all the swing states, plus a few more. We'll have all the states up by the end of the week. Please check us out, and spread the word to others.
If you'd like to do more, we could the following help:
(1) Send us endorsement text (and link) or contact information where that is lacking for papers we already list.
(2) Send us information about papers we don't have listed.
(3) Contact us if you'd like to do more. Our primary needs are:
(a) Help maintaining our website
(b) Help doing outreach to more groups to make them aware of
our site.
Contact us at:
We're still waiting for the Compassionate Conservative dream. Or maybe that's what it is . . . a dream.
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