Pope opposes military response to terrorism
Milan, Sep. 08 (CWNews.com) - At a major international conference in Milan this week, two prominent Vatican officials have acknowledged the need for a military campaign to eliminate terrorism. But Pope John Paul II (bio - news) is not ready to endorse a military response.
The Pope called for firm action against terrorism, but insisted that warfare is not the best approach, in a statement released on Wednesday, September 8.
The Pope's message was delivered to an international conference organized by the St. Egidio community, meeting in Milan this week. Earlier, Cardinal Renato Martino had said that the battle against terrorism is, in effect, a worldwide war. And Cardinal Walter Kasper had said that the response to terrorism would surely include military
John Paul II reminded the conference participants that in 1993,at another meeting in Milan, world religious leaders had united in a call for peace, insisting that violence should never be motivated by religious faith.
Since that time, the Pope observed, "unfortunately, new conflicts have arisen." But he insisted: "Peace is always possible!"
The spread of terrorism across the world "calls for firmness and decision, in fighting the workers of death," the Pope said. But he quickly added that the decisive action against terrorism should not take the form of a military campaign. "Violence begets violence," he said. "War must always be considered a defeat: a defeat of reason and of humanity." He argued that world leaders should seek to root out the primary causes of terrorism, "especially misery, desperation and the emptiness in hearts."
John Paul II urged international leaders "not to give in to the logic of violence, vendetta, and hatred, but rather to persevere in dialogue." He concluded by expressing the hope that "men soon make a spiritual and cultural leap forward to outlaw war!"
Well, well, well! I suppose JPII has laid it on the line, first he slaps President Bush on the wrist for the Abu Ghraib tortures and now a broadside on the decision to go to war in Iraq. So much for courting the Catholic vote, Mr. Gillespie.
To be fair, I often say that the Church has no more competence in these political matters than anyone else. It is not the merits of the statement that I am interested in, it is the fact that the Pope refuses to play footsie with President Bush.
The Pope is politically savvy and to make such a statement at this time, just weeks before the election, a day after Ratzinger is reported to have conceded that Catholics can vote for Kerry and shortly after the arch-conservative Archbishop Burke back tracks, seems to me to be not arbitrary.
John Kerry has frequently maintained that he would do whatever it takes to defend the United States, including go to war. But war, for Kerry, is a last resort. Kerry has frequently said that intelligence and law enforcement and very powerful and effective tools against terrorism. Military action is selective and only goes so far.
I suppose then that the Pope does not agree with Cheney's fear mongering: his, a vote for Kerry is a vote for terror. The Pope understands that hope and love are the paths forward, not hate, fear or lies. As Paul said to Timothy, "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and of a sound mind." Amen to that!
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